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Katharine Esty
Oct 2, 20204 min read
Stop Waiting for COVID-19 to End. Live Now.
Do you think COVID-19 is ending anytime soon? Let's think about our expectations for life during a pandemic—and what we can do about them.
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Katharine Esty
Sep 18, 20205 min read
My Wake Up Calls: How I came to see that aging in America could be better and different.
We’re all impacted by the people in our lives. If we pay attention, we can learn and grow from knowing them...
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Katharine Esty
Aug 23, 20204 min read
The Stench of Ageism in 2020
How is it that our society doesn’t value the elderly? Ageism is the last bastion of accepted discrimination—and that has to change.
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Katharine Esty
Aug 5, 20203 min read
Helpless and Out of Control? Take Charge of Your Life.
Do we have control over our lives or is it an illusion? How you frame control —and what you do as a result— largely determines how you fare.
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Katharine Esty
Jul 19, 20203 min read
Pandemic Fatigue: Now It’s Time to Complain!
Are you suffering from pandemic fatigue? A good grousing session can make a huge difference in how we feel. Complain away using these tips!
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Katharine Esty
Jul 1, 20203 min read
Elderhood: A New Paradigm for the Third Stage of Life
Every now and then I’ll read a book that breaks new ground in my area of expertise, and I can hardly wait to tell folks about the new...
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Katharine Esty
Jun 16, 20204 min read
An Epidemic of Loneliness Among the Elderly
Have you ever been lonely? People of all ages are experiencing loneliness in quarantine—and admitting it. The more we recognize...
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Katharine Esty
Jun 1, 20203 min read
The Pandemic Continues: What’s Too Risky At 85?
Risk, like love, is in the eye of the beholder. But that’s not a well-understood concept and leads to all sorts of friction...
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Katharine Esty
May 21, 20202 min read
My Big Worry: People My Age, I am 85, Will Be Indoors Indefinitely
Should all old folks stay home for the next few years? I'm hearing claims about staying indoors being necessary for our own 'protection'…
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Katharine Esty
May 5, 20204 min read
Communicating Across the Generational Divide During the Time of Coronavirus
Communication in the time of the coronavirus is fraught for all of us, but none more so than among aging parents in their 80’s and 90’s...
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Katharine Esty
Mar 30, 20204 min read
What Older People Really Need During The Coronavirus Pandemic—And What Lessons Can They Teach Us
Let's talk about how elders feel as we read the frightening coronavirus headlines. What do we really need or have to offer?
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Katharine Esty
Mar 15, 20204 min read
Good Reasons To Stop Dreading Old Age—And What To Look Forward To
Old age has a bad rap & I want to set the record straight. I asked people who came to my Facebook page what they dreaded most about old age.
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Katharine Esty
Dec 15, 20193 min read
Five Gifts of Old Age
Old age isn't what people think it is - there are many gifts to look forward to, not to fear.
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